Learn Arabic For Work

Quick Phrases

How do you say “myself” in Arabic?

The word “myself” in English, loosely translated into Arabic, would be “nafsee” or “nafsii” or spelt in Arabic: “نفسي”. If you remove the letter “ya” at the end, it makes the word “nafs” or “nafsun”. Which means simply “self”. So adding the “ya” gives it the ownership to the person speaking. Adding the “ya” at […]

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How do you say “Sorry, I don’t speak Arabic” in Arabic?

“ma fee Arabi” is a very popular informal way that we’ve heard non-Arabs say, when they want to convey that they don’t speak Arabic. While this will pretty much get the message across, one of the much more correct ways of saying that you don’t speak Arabic, is to say:  “انا اسف انا لا اتكلم

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